So for those of you who are unaware, I grew up in a large family. In other words, there are nine kids in my family. Seriously! And I love each and everyone of my crazy, amazing siblings to bits and pieces. Among us are the wild ones and sensible ones. Quiet ones and loud ones. But each of them are incredibly unique and full of life. Ahhh! But I do have the most thoughtful siblings! If you’re not 100% convinced….keep reading.
A few weeks ago I received a text from Becker. “Hey Dee! Will you call me when you have a second?” My initial thought was, “Oh, no! What’s wrong?” So I nervously gave Becker a call. And then Becker shared his sweet plan. Jalee, Becker’s girlfriend was about to turn 20 and he wanted to schedule a surprise portrait session of the two of them in honor of Jalee’s birthday. The amount of loving pouring out of Becker made my heart melt. Hence, Becker and I shuffled our schedules around to make his plan possible for the coming Sunday.
However, it wasn’t surprising that Becker could not contain his excitement. Becker ended up sharing the plan with Jalee the day before their session. {Obviously, it is hard to keep a secret from your best friend. Especially, when you know it will bring them joy.} Clearly, Jalee was thrilled with the idea! The following evening the three of us ran around Mamee and Pop Pop’s backyard in Goldsby, Oklahoma.
“It is hard to keep a secret from your best friend.”
Jalee and Becker! I am sooo thankful for the two of you! Jalee, you are a wonderful young lady! As can be seen, we are glad that you are a part of our family! Becker, I am incredibly proud of the man you are becoming! You have always been known for your kindness and loyalty. Clearly, those character traits have grown as you have continued to mature. I am looking forward to watching you two grow together!